- popular themed party bag filler
- easy to split into 6 individual tattoos
- simple to apply, full instructions included
- 2 sheets shown at 35p per sheet
- pull back, release and watch the car race, climb and flip
- action toy that kids and adults love
- different emoji expressions feature on either side
- great for themed party bags, favours, prizes and gifts
- 6x6cm
- 2 cars shown £1.45 each
Item Details:
Smiley Balloon
- bright yellow balloon, ideal for Emoji & Smiley themed parties / party bags
- match it up with our other smiley items
- 16p each
- fun addition to a Smiley / Emoji party bag
- 3 assorted designs, 40p each
- 5.5 x 5.8cm
- emoji design colour and puzzle book
- 16 pages full of puzzles and colouring
- size A6
- 2 shown at 40p each
- fun puzzle rings
- 4 colours selected randomly
- faces 3cm
- 30p per ring
- ideal pocket game
- ideal party bag filler for all ages & genders
- 6cm x 4 cm
- fun product for a wide age group
- foam filled 6cm squishy ball / stress toy
- perfect for indoor & outdoor play
- 12 designs, selected randomly
- 6 shown at £1.50
- fun party bag filler in a variety of designs
- approx 6cm
- 3 puzzles shown at 40p each